The collection of personal information from you by V Group Real Estate is necessary for the Agency to carry out one or more of its functions or activities including for security and/or marketing purposes or as a means to assist you in finding a property that suits your needs.
V Group Real Estate will only collect personal information by lawful and fair means.
You are entitled to access to the information supplied by you to V Group Real Estate. V Group Real Estate contact details are set out below.
The information is collected by V Group Real Estate for security and marketing purposes.
Should you not provide the relevant information, V Group Real Estate may not be able to properly carry out its function or activities or provide you with access to properties.
You have the right to request the information held by V Group Real Estate not to be used for marketing purposes and that information errors are collected.
If you believe V Group Real Estate has misused your information in anyway and breached the Privacy Act 1988 you may complain to us either in writing or via telephone Monday – Friday 9:30am-4:30pm. Details provided below. If we do not resolve this issue you may contact the Australian Information Commissioner via email at
V Group Real Estate have copies of this Privacy Statement available for you at the property. Please do not hesitate to ask the V Group Real Estate representative for a copy to take home with you.
24/2 Distribution Dr, Mickleham, VIC 3064
Phone:03 91251625